ngx-month-year-selector: A month & year selector for Angular 6+

I had some trouble finding an independent date selector for Angular that supported month & year selection only (without day selection). Most of the stand-alone ones did not support the functionality of skipping day selection out-of-the-box and the few that did were tied to UI frameworks, like Angular Material’s date picker. So I decided to code and release one as a learning project and to maybe fulfill somebody’s need for a solution.

ngx-month-year-selector is a month & year selector form control directive for Angular 6+ with support for ngModel binding, Reactive Forms, and Events. ngx-month-year-selector is independent from any UI frameworks (however should be compatible in any UI framework like Bootstrap, Angular Material, etc). The package can be imported into your project using NPM by running npm install ngx-month-year-selector. More details on getting started can be found here.

